Pátek, 26 Září 2014 11:47
Dear friends. How are you? We are from the 8.class. We are 13-14 years old. Our hobbies are footbal, theatre, loombands, basketball,fishing and so on. If you want look at our school websites http://zshazlov.cz , part PROJEKTOVÁ ČINNOST, COMENIUS, PARTNERSTVÍ ŠKOL, LETTER TO OUR FRIENDS. There are some photos of us when we wrote a letter for you. We know it is rather difficult but you can do it at all.
We are looking forward to meeting you on Skype.
Ivka, Naty, Dita, Kačka, Tina, Láďa, Vojta, Kiki, Terka, Anna, Áďa, Dan, Ady, Honza, Kuba, Pavel
Hazlov 119, 35132